Saturday, May 31, 2008

Prompt for May 30, 2008

Debbie's prompt (following in Emily's thematic footsteps....)
Marina Warner, who calls herself a mythographer, is one of England’s most well-know writers and public intellectuals. She’s also is an excellent dinner host. A few years ago I came across an article called “Marina Warner’s Dinner For Six” where she imagines a dinner party composed of her favorite people from history: Heloise and Henri Matisse; Ovid and Jose Luis Borges; Franz Fanon and Athanasius Kircher (a 17th-century scientist). Marina recommends “pairing” your dinner guests to create the liveliest mixture, and she explains why these guests in these pairs work for her party. Also present, Rossini as head chef and Colette as sous-chef, and, of course, Marina herself.

Who would you invite to your dinner party, and why?

Check out Marina's website:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Future Members and FYI

Hi everyone!
A couple of people have spoken to me about inviting other people, which I think is fantastic. I don't mean to speak for everyone or anything, but as far as I'm concerned, this project is open to everyone. So, if you know of someone who'd like to be added to the hub list, just send me their blog address and I'll be more than happy to add it.

Also, I just wanted to let everyone know (in case you're linking people on your own blog, or using feed readers) that Lauren created a new blog, which you can see if you click on the "from pencils to pixels" link.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Emily's Prompt (for May 23rd)

"Describe the best meal you've ever eaten."

Anyone surprised by that?:)

Don't forget, there are still prompt spots open!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let's Rock This Casbah, Shall We?

First prompt! First prompt! First prompt! (Sorry it took so long.)

Upload a travel picture and describe what made the moment you photographed memorable. Now, remember that it doesn't have to be a picture from your trip to China. It can be from your trip to Avery Hall. Or Idaho. Or whatever. There's no need to get fancy here, peeps. Unless you want to, in which case, go for the gold!

Also, Lauren and I were thinking that we should start a schedule for submitting blog prompts. We were thinking every Friday? So if you could email me to let me know which weeks you might like to take, that would be super awesome. I'll post the schedule up here as soon as I can. Here are the dates:

May 23rd - Emily
May 30th - Debbie
June 6th - Toria
June 13th - Lauren
June 20th - Ben
June 27th - Larry
July 4th - Donna
July 11th- Peter
July 18th-
July 25th -